MMHOP is a place where Spirituality and Science meet to create total wellness of the Soul, Mind and Body.
We will have a center that will further our mission and also contain a wellness clinic providing the latest spiritual/brain/body methods and technology. We will also be producing a curriculum, literature, DVD’s and podcasts that will be utilized by the MMHOP and available to the public.
We are living in a time where it is possible for science to be an aid to helping people be drawn toward a meaningful spirituality, and the reality of finding a meaningful spirituality can also be aided through science. Your generous donations to MMHOP will help in the purchase of a SPECT Brain Imaging machine. SPECT or Single Photon Computerized Tomography enables us to take a “snap shot” of the brain, and helps to take our doctors develop specific strategies to optimize brain function which ultimately only deepens ones spirituality. Andrew Newberg, MD , researcher at the University of Pennsylvania has in his research as an example shown areas of the brain that evidence changes in prayer or meditation. Below is a SPECT Scan that shows changes in the brain before and after meditation. Literally God wired us to have a relationship with Him. )
Below is an example of a SPECT Scan ( The scan on the left is taken prior to prayer, and the scan on the right is taken after a person prays. In the area marked “attention” area you can see improved perfusion in the frontal cortex( i.e .frontal cortex functions are attention, concentration, judgement, impulse control and conscience). What is exciting is that as a person deepens in prayer and meditation it is actually helping to improve frontal cortex function. At MMHOP we are praying for the funds to conduct research showing how spirituality has a positive impact on the brain. We may find in the future that a deep prayer and meditation spiritual life may help with memory, and preventing brain disorders such as dementia. In other words prayer does change the brain!